2020. 4. 10. 11:09ㆍ카테고리 없음
Here’s how I get productive for JavaScript/Node on Mac OS. Syntax enable set tabstop = 2 set shiftwidth = 2 set expandtab set number Set up SSH keys and add to VCS hosting,:. Generate a new key: ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C '.' . Copy your public key to clipboard so you can paste it wherever your hosted Version Control system asks you to: pbcopy.
Zsh Themes Mac. How To Use Zsh In Vs Code For Mac Free
Customize your terminal like a PRO!!! In this series we'll go even further with terminal customizations. We'll learn how to setup Powerlevel9k Oh-my-zsh theme and how to customize it with custom functions and built-in attributes and then we'll talk about how to add some extra functinality to our terminal with Oh-my-zsh plugins. This is the second video in 'How to customize your terminal like a pro' series in which we'll talk about Oh-my-zsh plugins.
You'll see how to find the list of plugins available, how to check what each of them does, and how to install them. In the end we'll cover several of the best plugins that are recommended for everyone. We will also talk about ruby gem called Colorls, how to install it and how to customize it. Links from the video: Part 1 of the series: Video where I explain how to install ZSH shell and Oh-my-zsh framework: Plugins page: GitHub repo where you can find the.zshrc modifications from this series: Social platforms: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: SUBSCRIBE to codeTalk PLAYLIST Customize your terminal like a PRO!!! Oh-my-zsh, Powerlevel9K theme, Oh-my-zsh plugins and Colorls ruby gem (2018) Customize your terminal like a PRO!!! Powerlevel9k theme and Oh-my-zsh plugins (2018) PART 2.